Friday, August 21, 2015

Fun with Desmos

Some graphs with the Desmos free online graphing calculator, which can be found at  Desmos is also available as an iOS app and Android app.

Cosine Graphs in a Bottle
y= cos(2^x), -cos(2^x), cos(2^-x), -cos(2^-x)

y= cos(2^x), -cos(2^x), cos(2^-x), -cos(2^-x)
y= cos(2^x), -cos(2^x), cos(2^-x), -cos(2^-x)

red curve: x^3+y^4 = 6 sin(12*x^-2)
blue curve: -x^3+y^4 = 6 sin(12*x^-2)

red: x^3+y^4 = 6 sin(12*x^-2), blue: -x^3+y^4 = 6 sin(12*x^-2)
red: x^3+y^4 = 6 sin(12*x^-2), blue: -x^3+y^4 = 6 sin(12*x^-2)

A Spirograph 
polar curve: r = 6 sin (2 sin (θ - 2 (cos (θ^1.02)))

polar curve: r = 6 sin (2 sin (θ - 2 (cos (θ^1.02)))
polar curve: r = 6 sin (2 sin (θ - 2 (cos (θ^1.02)))

y^2 = (8.65 * exp(x))/(-3*x^0.2 -3*x^2 + x^4)

y^2 = (8.65 * exp(x))/(-3*x^0.2 -3*x^2 + x^4)
y^2 = (8.65 * exp(x))/(-3*x^0.2 -3*x^2 + x^4)

Double Teardrop Squeezed on One Side
right: x = 4.5(-cos t + 1), y = 4 * sin t * sin (0.5*t^2)
left:  x = 3 * (cos t - 1), y = sin t * (0.5*t)^4 
-4 π ≤ t ≤ 4 π

double teardrop, squeezed on the left
right: x = 4.5(-cos t + 1), y = 4 * sin t * sin (0.5*t^2)
left:  x = 3 * (cos t - 1), y = sin t * (0.5*t)^4 
1.025*x*y^2 = 1.5*π*sin(x^3)

1.025*x*y^2 = 1.5*π*sin(x^3)
1.025*x*y^2 = 1.5*π*sin(x^3)
x = 0.65*t + 1.5 sin(t^2)
y = 5 * (sin t)^3
-4 π ≤ t ≤ 4 π

x = 0.65*t + 1.5 sin(t^2) y = 5 * (sin t)^3
x = 0.65*t + 1.5 sin(t^2)
y = 5 * (sin t)^3

Get Desmos and have some fun!


This blog is property of Edward Shore.  2015

Spotlight: Sharp EL-5200

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